Category Archives: Schedule

Keiko on Nov. 23

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Nov. 23 for 9AM-10AM with a possible extension until 11AM.

Keiko on Nov. 16

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Nov. 16 for 9-11AM.

Keiko on Oct. 26

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Oct. 26 for 9AM-10AM with a possible extension until 11AM.

Keiko on Oct. 19

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Oct. 19 for 9AM-11AM.

Keiko on Oct. 12

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Oct. 12 for 9AM-10AM with a possible extension until 11AM.

Keiko on October 5

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Oct. 5 for 9AM-10AM with a possible extension until 11AM.

Edit: Extended to be from 9AM-11AM.

Keiko on September 28

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Sept. 28 for 9AM-10AM with a possible extension until 11AM.

Edit: extended to be from 9AM-11AM.

Keiko on September 21

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Sept. 21 for 9AM-10AM with a possible extension until 11AM.

Edit: extended such that the session will be 9AM-11AM.

Keiko on September 14

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Sept. 14 for 9AM-10AM with a possible extension until 11AM.

Edit: Session successfully extended to 11AM.

Keiko on September 7

Welcome back to school!

Our first keiko has been booked! Anyone looking to try it out, please feel free to drop by or contact zendkash [at] if you have any questions.

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Sept. 7 for 9AM-10AM with a possible extension until 11AM.

Edit: Session has been extended such that the booking is from 9AM-11AM.