Keiko on Nov. 23

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Nov. 23 for 9AM-10AM with a possible extension until 11AM.

Keiko on Nov. 16

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Nov. 16 for 9-11AM.

Keiko report: October 5 and 12

October 12, 2019
Attendees: Zendai, Victor, Chin-Ying
-Basic strikes 打拳の基本
-‎Break falls 受身
-Kenbo 剣棒
-Saide ura 斎手裏

October 5, 2019
Attendees: Zendai, Yuchen, Victor, Chin-Ying
-Basic strikes 打拳の基本
-‎Break falls 受身
-Komidare shuui 小乱拾遺
-Kenbo 剣棒
-Saide omote 斎手表

On Oct. 5, we continued with saide omote in preparation for kuchi saide. Then, on Oct. 12, we moved onto saide ura to go over defenses and counters. We are going over these very quickly as we will see all of these sword cuts and defenses as we do more sword sets. The goal for this month is to reach kuchi saide.

Keiko on Oct. 26

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Oct. 26 for 9AM-10AM with a possible extension until 11AM.

Keiko on Oct. 19

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Oct. 19 for 9AM-11AM.

Keiko on Oct. 12

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Oct. 12 for 9AM-10AM with a possible extension until 11AM.

Keiko report: September 28

Attendees: Zendai, Yuchen, Victor, Chin-Ying
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Komidare shuui
-Saide omote

Today we had a new tryout so we opted for covering a wide range of material briefly to give an overview of what we do. Much of our focus is on technique and principles as opposed to training strength or endurance. We will focus on saide the coming weeks and then do torite, trying to fit further training on oinage type throws in the warmup.

Keiko on October 5

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Oct. 5 for 9AM-10AM with a possible extension until 11AM.

Edit: Extended to be from 9AM-11AM.

Keiko report: September 21

Attendees: Zendai, Yuchen, Victor
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Komidare shuui

Today we went over the over-the-shoulder throws again and finished off with some kogusoku. Our plan for the next while will be to alternate between armed and unarmed sets (primarily saide and torite) while continuing to work on the over-the-shoulder throws during the warmup.

Keiko on September 28

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Sept. 28 for 9AM-10AM with a possible extension until 11AM.

Edit: extended to be from 9AM-11AM.