Keiko report: September 14

Attendees: Zendai, Yuchen
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Komidare shuui

This class, we focused on over-the-shoulder throws and a few of the other kata which were a bit difficult. We will continue to work on throws of this type in this set for another week or two and then move on to saide, torite, and hopefully kogusoku over the months.

Heels over head ukemi in preparation for over-the-shoulder throws.

Keiko report: September 7

Attendees: Zendai, Yuchen, Victor
-Basic strikes 打拳の基本
-‎Break falls 受身
-Komidare shuui 小乱拾遺

First keiko of the new term. We continued with komidare shuui, moving onto the over the shoulder throws. They are hard, but are possible for anyone with enough practice.

Over the shoulder throw.

Keiko on September 21

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Sept. 21 for 9AM-10AM with a possible extension until 11AM.

Edit: extended such that the session will be 9AM-11AM.

Keiko on September 14

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Sept. 14 for 9AM-10AM with a possible extension until 11AM.

Edit: Session successfully extended to 11AM.

Keiko on September 7

Welcome back to school!

Our first keiko has been booked! Anyone looking to try it out, please feel free to drop by or contact zendkash [at] if you have any questions.

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Sept. 7 for 9AM-10AM with a possible extension until 11AM.

Edit: Session has been extended such that the booking is from 9AM-11AM.

Keiko report: August 24, 31

Attendees: Zendai, Yuchen, Victor
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Komidare shuui

Started working on Komidare shuui and covered most of the kata which are not over the shoulder throws. After keiko we looked over some kata footage from Takagi-shihan’s website. It is a great resource for seeing what Takeuchi-ryu has to offer.

Outside trip

Keiko report: August 10, 17

Attendees: Zendai, Yuchen, Pavel
-Basic strikes 打拳の基本
-‎Break falls 受身
-Hanbo 半棒
-Bichu Kenbo 備中剣棒
-Komidare shuui 小乱拾遺

These two weeks we have been covering new material. The first week, we covered hanbo (kihon and the 12 kata vs sword, spear, and naginata) and did bichu kenbo the second week. At the end, we had a bit of time left over, so we did a few techniques from komidare shuui for a taste of something different.

Keiko report: July 27, August 3

Attendees: Zendai, Yuchen
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Kenbo Sou

Continued practicing hanbo and quickly reviewed kenbo sou so that we are all familiar with the basics of it in preparation for next week.

Keiko report: July 20

July 20, 2019
Attendees: Zendai
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls

Practiced hanbo using both notes and Takagi-shihan’s videos as a guide. Should be ready for going over then in full next class.

Keiko report: July 13

Attendees: Zendai, Yuchen
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Hanbo basic strikes
-Saide omote

We covered the rest of saide omote today. It was good to review the spacing and dynamics necessary for the various cuts. We will cover saide ura next week.