Keiko report: July 6

July 6, 2019
Attendees: Zendai, Yuchen, Devin, Monica
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls

A surprise visit from an instructor from the Vancouver school led to training in some new material. We will focus on the new material for the next while in hopes that it will make a seminar in August more smooth.

Keiko report: June 29

June 29, 2019
Attendees: Zendai
-Basic motions

Back to basics with the motions.
Some new excercise to train the basics in a way that might benefit taijutsu overall.

  1. Random sequences of “step”, “shuffle”, and “turn” motions. (The three basic forward motions that we use in Takeuchi Ryu)
  2. Un-timed shuto uke and uraken in pairs.

Keiko report: June 22

Attendees: Zendai, Yuchen
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Saide omote

Started covering the basic attacks and counters with the sword. Despite being a very basic set (or because it is), this one set contains many different concepts including timing, spacing, alignment, and efficient striking.

Keiko report: June 1, 8, 15

Attendees: Zendai
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Sakushu iai
-Saide omote
-Kenbo shin

More review. Trying some of the sword techniques with the opposite hand proved to be interesting.

Keiko report: May 11, 18, 25

Attendees: Zendai
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Sakushu iai
-Saide omote

Revisiting the fundamentals to train with the group when students return from summer vacation.

Keiko report: May 4,2019

May 4, 2019
Attendees: Zendai
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Sakushu iai
-Saide omote

This day I went over sakushu iai again and revisited saide omote to re-examine my basic sword cuts.

The basic sword cut.

Keiko during summer

While the activities room will not be booked for the summer, sessions will be held on Saturdays starting at 9am on a weekly basis. Sessions may end before 11am depending on attendance.

Please contact for additional details.

Keiko report: April 27,2019

April 27, 2019

Attendees: Zendai, Yuchen
-Sakushu iai

We went through all of sakushu iai again. Iai is nice since you can do it by yourself with easily acquired materials (a stick of the right length will do fine in most cases).

Cutting up in the rice fields.

Keiko report: April 20, 2019

April 20, 2019

Attendees: Zendai, Victor
-Sakushu iai

We went through all of sakushu iai this day. Hopefully this allows training even over the summer break.

Sideways stab from sitting.

Keiko on April 27

The Hart House activities room has been booked for a session on Saturday, Apr. 27 for 10AM-11AM with a possible extension to be from 9AM.