Category Archives: Report

Keiko report: March 30, 2019

March 30, 2019
Attendees: Zendai, Victor, Yuchen
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls

This day we finished up going over all of zaai and kumiuchi. Next session will be review of all of the kata in the two sets with the aim of doing them all in a row as in an enbu. We will continue to review the whole set at a rate of once per session afterwards at the beginning of each class as part of the warm-up.

A counter to a kick.

Keiko report: March 23, 2019

March 23, 2019
Attendees: Zendai, Victor, Yuchen
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Sakushu iai

This day I was unable to participate in keiko due to a wisdom tooth extraction so we did a quick overview of almost all of the sakushu iai instead of the scheduled zaai and kumiuchi material. We will finish the latter two next week (if I am well enough…) and do a review of all of the kata before moving onto kuchi saide (sword vs sword) and take a more detailed look at the iai we covered this day.

Sword drawing against an opponent from the rear.

Keiko report: March 16, 2019

March 16, 2019
Attendees: Zendai, Victor, Yuchen, Dillan
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls

This day, we proceeded with the material in zaai and kumiuchi. We are almost at the end of the the material with two more kata to cover from each set. After that, we will go back over the entire set several times before progressing to anything else.

Rear choke.

Keiko report: March 9, 2019

Attendees: Zendai, Victor
-Basic strikes 打拳の基本
-‎Break falls 受身
-Zaai 座合
-Kumiuchi 組討
-Sakushu iai 作州居合

This day we went back over zaai and kumiuchi covered two weeks prior to complete coverage. Additionally, we covered some iai.

Deflection with a sword.

Keiko report: March 2, 2019

Keiko report: March 2, 2019
Attendees: Zendai, Yuchen, Victor
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Kenbo shin

For this week’s training, we continued with covering material from zaai and kumiuchi. While we are doing the two sets in a “cooperative” manner now, we will explore doing them in a more realistic way after we cover the sets in their entirety and review them.

Finishing after a takedown.

Keiko report: February 23, 2019

Attendees: Zendai, Yuchen
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls

Continuing with zaai and kumiuchi, we are now halfway through the material. We will go over all of the kata for these two sets several classes after we cover all of the material once.

A dive to a kick from a grab.

Keiko report: February 16, 2019

Attendees: Zendai, Victor, Yuchen
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls

This day we continued coverage of zaai and kumiuchi. These seated grappling sets help build the basics of grappling, counters, and various finishes (joint locks, pressure points, and strikes) before performing them standing.

Take down after a cross block in zaai

Keiko report: February 9, 2019

Attendees: Zendai, Victor, Yuchen, Madeline
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Kenbo shin

This day we started two unarmed sets that start from the sitting position. We will be covering the for the next while until we complete all 12 for each set.

Arm bar in Kumiuchi

Keiko report: February 2, 2019

Attendees: Zendai, Victor, Yuchen, Barbara, Dillan
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Kenbo shin

Today we went through maesaide one more time after doing kenbo as part of the warmup. Next week we plan to start on kumiuchi and zaai, two sitting unarmed combat sets covering grappling and counters respectively.


Keiko report: January 26, 2019

Attendees: Zendai, Victor, Yuchen, Madeline
-Basic strikes
-Knee walking
-‎Break falls

Since we did maesaide with the shihanbo last week, we tried doing the same kata with the kogusoku this week. While the kogusoku we use in practice is a wooden prop, it should be treated like a sharp blade. Though it makes sense to grip the shihanbo with both hands, one at each end, we shouldn’t get into the habit of doing so.
