Category Archives: Report

Keiko report: January 19, 2019

Attendees: Zendai, Victor, Yuchen, Madeline
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Shihanbo tsuke maesaide

This day, we finished our first run through maesaide as done with the shihanbo. While originally taught with a short sword (kogusoku), the fundamentals of movement and spacing are still applicable. The 4 basic movements (irimi, gyakuirimi, hikimi, and sonoba) as well as the idea of maai will continue to appear as we explore further.


Keiko report: December 15, 2018

Attendees: Zendai, Victor
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Kenbo shin enbu format
-Shihanbo shoden toriai
-Shihanbo kawashiuchi

For the last training session of this year, we performed Kenbo shin in an enbu format (attached video) and continued to explore shihanbo. Performing as if in an enbu (or actually performing in an enbu) is a good test of your knowledge and focus. While casual interaction and learning has its place when introducing a kata, we should aim to eventually do the kata as we would in enbu.
A reminder that there will be no classes until after January 6.
Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!

Keiko report: December 8, 2018

Attendees: Zendai, Victor, Yuchen
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Shihanbo shoden toriai
-Shihanbo tsukekogusoku
-Shihanbo kawashiuchi

We finished up going through all of toriai (weapon retention) and will be going over it in detail the next few classes. As noted in class, all of the kata we did have unarmed analogs (mostly as defenses against wrist grabs). After a brief review of kogusoku with shihanbo, we started on kawashiuchi (knife attack interception and counter). We will continue working on this in the coming classes as well.
Note that next week’s class (Dec. 15) will be the last one for this year. Classes are due to resume after January 6.

Keiko report: December 1, 2018

Attendees: Zendai, Victor, Yuchen, Bei, Faye
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Shihanbo shoden toriai

This day, we focused on weapon retention with the shihanbo, a short (approximately 1.5 ft) stick. The shihanbo set was designed with self-defense in mind as it is easy to acquire, conceal, and carry such a device. However, note that carrying something explicitly for self-defense purposes is illegal in Canada.

Keiko report: November 24, 2018

Attendees: Zendai, Victor, Yuchen
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Shihanbo shoden toriai
-Kogusoku koshinomawari

The shihanbo and kogusoku we are practicing now is a clear example of how the lines between armed and unarmed combat disappear in Takeuchi-ryu. Almost all of the toriai kata, for example, can be applied in the unarmed case against wrist grabs. We may do some examples of armed techniques applied to the unarmed case in the coming weeks as an aside.

Partial footage of today’s session can be found at the link below.
Further footage of the session can be provided to attendees and instructors upon request.

Keiko report: November 17, 2018

Attendees: Zendai, Victor, Yuchen, Bei, Faye
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Sakushu iai
-Kogusoku koshinomawari

Today we wrapped up sakushu iai. While we have not yet gone over the details of the kata this time, we will revisit them at a later date to fill in the gaps. Because of the large variety of material we cover, it is important to keep notes of kata we have done. In addition to serving as reminders, trying to explain the kata to yourself in the form of making notes is very helpful in taking a critical look at your understanding of it.

Partial footage of today’s session can be found at the link below.
Further footage of the session can be provided to attendees and instructors upon request.
If any attendees would like any of the footage taken down, please let me know.

Keiko report: November 10, 2018

Attendees: Zendai, Victor, Yuchen, Barbara, Dillan
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Kenbo shin
-Sakushu iai

This will be our last day doing Kenbo shin for a little while. However, the set is good to practice at home as it contains many basics and can be practiced alone. Even a broom handle could be used for practice at home. Next week, we will cover the rest of sakushu iai and move on to kogusoku and shihanbo.

Footage of the session can be provided to attendees and instructors upon request.
If any attendees would like any of the footage taken down, please let me know.

Keiko report: November 3, 2018

Attendees: Zendai, Victor
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Kogusoku koshinomawari

On this day, we started doing kogusoku. This set is central to Takeuchiryu and is often said to contain the essence of the style. We will begin working on this in a more focused way after we wrap up the first 8 of iai. At the same time, I hope to start working on shihanbo after finishing up kenbo shin in the next few weeks.

Partial footage of today’s session can be found at the link below.
Further footage of the session can be provided to attendees and instructors upon request.
If any attendees would like any of the footage taken down, please let me know.

Keiko report: October 20, 2018

Attendees: Zendai, Yuchen, Victor
-Basic strikes
-‎Break falls
-Kenbo shin (latter half)

The various kinds of bojutsu we do covers a range of lengths from longer than body height with the kenbo to 1 shaku (about a foot) at tanbo. From the basic stance to handling weapons of various lengths, the bo sets hold a wealth of information and should be thoroughly practiced. Kenbo is good for this since it can be practiced alone as long as you have a stick (a broom handle will work fine). It does not have to be of the standard length.

Partial footage of today’s session showing nihougarame is at the link below.
Further footage of the session can be provided to attendees and instructors upon request.
If any attendees would like any of the footage taken down, please let me know.

Protected: Keiko report: October 6, 2018

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